When Anxiety Attacks: Easing a Common Symptom of Menopause

Written by Dr. Sima Aidun, N.M.D.

Dr. Sima Aidun is a nationally recognized expert in personalized genetic medicine and a pioneer of the field in Arizona. She obtained her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree with High Academic Achievement from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in 2003 and was the recipient of the Daphne Blayden Award. She is certified in Advanced Protocols and New Findings in Nutrigenomic Analysis and Treatment; New Genetic Findings and Enhanced Nutrigenomic Protocols; Nutrigenomic Testing for Inflammation/Auto-Immune | Neurological/Mood Disorders | Methylation/Mitochondria | Women's Health; and Nutrigenomics for Diet and Wellness, Microsampling and Pharmacogenomics.

Anxiety is a natural response to the stresses of the world, but too much anxiety can make it difficult to function in your daily life. It can interfere with your sleep, appetite and ability to concentrate, even taking the form of physical symptoms like headaches, stomach aches, heightened heart rate, and lightheadedness.

Anxiety is just one of the many symptoms of menopause and andropause that you may be working to address with bioidentical hormone replacement or testosterone therapy. Regardless of your age and sex, we can provide many treatments that restore hormonal and nutritional balance and help you cope with anxiety.

However, there are also many ways to reduce the impact of anxiety in your day-to-day life. Start overcoming your anxieties by:

Taking Care of Yourself

Sometimes, our anxieties stem not from out-of-whack hormones, but rather from a lifestyle that does not nurture our bodies or minds in the way they need. If you suffer from frequent anxiety, remember to always:

  • Keep a simple schedule. Slow down and do your best to focus only on one thing at a time. It can help to write out what you’ll do each day, creating a schedule you’ll be able to stick to without overburdening yourself.
  • Sleep well. Good sleep each night is what prepares us for each day. Be sure you’re getting seven to nine hours per night.
  • Exercise. It’s one of the most potent natural mood boosters and stress relievers. Try to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every single day.
  • Eat right. You should work to always provide your body with the nutrition it needs. It’s also wise to limit your consumption of caffeine and alcohol.

Taking Time to Relax

Many relaxation techniques can help you overcome anxiety in the moment and reduce stress levels long-term. Such techniques include:

  • Deep breathing
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Meditation

You should also take regular breaks from your schedule to engage in activities you enjoy. Make a conscious effort to schedule time for your interests, hobbies and favorite pastimes.

Finding Support

Sharing your thoughts and feelings with a trusted friend or relative can be a valuable part of feeling better and calming down. However, it’s important to remember that this may not always be enough. If your anxiety becomes overwhelming, you may benefit most from professional guidance. Talk to Dr. Aidun about your struggles with anxiety and seek the help of a therapist if needed.

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