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Nutrigenomics Refresher Course:

A Webinar to Continue Your Quest for Optimal Health via Your Personalized Genetic Profile


It’s Dr. Aidun. Your Nutrigenomics Expert.

Remember when you had your genetic testing done and we spent several hours together reviewing your results and creating a plan for your unique path to optimal health?  How’s that been going?

Well, it’s time for a review and update!

While your test results haven’t changed, the science of genomics has advanced and you’re also in the midst of implementing your plan.  Let’s review everything together and see what updates we might need to make to continue your quest for optimal health.  During this webinar, we will:


  • Review your genetic test results.
  • Re-discover how to optimize your health based on your individual results in 6 key areas.
  • Re-evaluate your supplementation regimen and best lifestyle practices.
  • Learn about the latest updates in genetic medicine.
  • Have time for Q&A.

Within 14 days of the webinar, each participant will receive an updated and personalized nutrigenomic treatment plan based on your genetic profile and a review of your medical history by Dr. Aidun.

If you’ve been considering doing the Pro 7 Genetic Testing (but haven’t yet done so) this webinar is a perfect opportunity to learn more about the process and the powerful results.

And, those individuals who proceed with a full Pro 7 Genetic Testing panel within 14 days of the webinar will have the webinar fee deducted from the price of the nutrigenomics test.

Webinar Details

Saturday June 8

3:00 – 4:30 pm Arizona Time

Via Zoom

$195 One Time Fee

No worries! Webinar recording will be provided to all registrants.

Have friends or family who might be interested? Forward them a copy of this web page.

Individuals who are considering doing the Pro 7 Genetic Testing are eligible to attend.


We’ll Cover These 6 Areas of Nutrigenomic Testing with Updated Information on Each

Internal Inflammation

Chronic inflammation can turn into a silent killer. In fact, most chronic diseases are linked to inflammation.  

How do you tell the difference between normal, healthy inflammation and something that is more serious?

We’ll review the latest findings on how you can reduce inflammation and prevent disease.

Other Sources of Inflammation

Our external environment contains inflammatory sources that have ways of getting inside our body and creating an inflammation reponse.

Things like histamine, food allergies, and gluten.

We’ll discuss your ability to control inflammation via pro-biotics, the efficiency of your autophagy (which controls inflammation), the role of vitamin D in controlling inflammation, and your genetic ability to truly absorb vitamin D into your immune cells.

Mitochondria are present in almost all our cells and especially abundant in vital organs such as the heart, the brain and muscle. The health of our genes inside our mitochondria seems to be more important than the genes in our cells. Learn how to keep your mitochondria healthy within your specific genetic blueprint.

While our bodies are designed to naturally detoxify themselves, based on an individual’s genetic blueprint, some individuals are more efficient at it than others.  We’ll discuss the benefits of detoxification at the cell level to prevent chronic diseases and rapid cell aging.


A process that happens billions of times per second, methylation plays a vital role in health, disease, and longevity. It allows (or dis-allows) the expression of our genes. Learn more about this important process and whether you need to supplement/replace your methylation.


Neurotransmitters are the chemicals in your brain which run your thoughts, moods, and emotions. How healthy are yours? How can you best support your own neurotransmitters?

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course for?
  • Patients who have had their Pro 7 Genetic Testing Panel completed and want to refresh themselves on how to continue maximizing their results and learn about the latest genetic updates.


  • Individuals who are considering doing the Pro 7 Genetic Testing and would like to know more. (Those individuals who proceed with a full Pro 7 Genetic Testing panel within 14 days of the webinar will have the webinar fee deducted from the price of the nutrigenomics test.)
Will the webinar be recorded?

Yes the webinar will be recorded and will be available until June 22 to all who enroll.

I have a conflict on June 8 and cannot attend live. Can I still participate in the webinar?

If you cannot attend the webinar live, yes you can still enroll and receive a recording of the webinar (available until June 22.)  You will also receive a copy of your updated nutrigenomic treatment plan as reviewed by Dr. Aidun.)

What should I bring to the webinar?

Please bring your Nutrigenomics Pro 7 report and have it front of you during the webinar.

What if I can't find my Pro 7 report?

If you can’t locate your results, let us know as soon as you sign up and we can email you a copy of your report.

I have some new health considerations. Can this webinar help me?

If you have any new health considerations, please inform Dr. Aidun before the webinar.  It is more practical to make an appointment and create new plan.

Will there be time for Q&A?


3:00 – 4:00 pm will be for content.

4:00 – 4:30 Q&A

How much is the webinar?

$195 one-time fee.

How do I sign up?

Text Dr. Aidun at 480 748-7675 and she will contact you to arrange payment and provide you with the Zoom login information.