You Are Not Going Crazy!
Your Hormonal Changes are Unique to You
That’s why remedies that might work for your girlfriend or sister,
won’t necessarily work for you.
Menopause and perimenopause challenge each of us
physically, mentally, and emotionally in very different ways.
It can be a very challenging, frustrating and discouraging time.
And very few doctors take the time to discuss your unique situation with you in detail and depth.
So join me on Saturday August 22, from the comfort of your own home,
to get all your questions about menopause and perimenopause answered.
Finding Balance:
Saturday August 22
11 am to 12 Noon
Bring all your quesions, concerns and confusions to the webinar. We’ll talk about all of them.
Remember, there is no silly question nor too basic a question.
These are the things you are entitled to know.
Sign up for the webinar using the button below.
Submit your questions in advance if you like, or ask them live during the webinar.

8134 E. Cactus Rd., Suite 610
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone: 480 451 1602